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Don't miss our Mexican Posada Celebration on Friday December 13th!

Join us as we mark the holiday season and the close of 2013 with a "Mexican Christmas Posada” celebration on Friday, December 13th, 6 - 8pm. Posada fiestas, celebrated across Mexico on the nine days before Christmas, include traditional song and festive celebration in homes around one’s neighborhood.

We’re happy to announce we’ll be accompanied by special musical guests Imágen Latina to help us sing the Posada and bring the spirit and sounds of Mexico to Portland. Come learn about this unique holiday celebration and enjoy the live music, Spanish conversation, authentic Mexican food including tamales and ponche (a hot fruit punch), and a chance to win student discounts and prizes.

This holiday party is free and open to the community. We encourage you to bring a dish or beverage to share in our potluck meal and to invite your family and friends - children are very welcome.