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March 2020 - Laura Tauber

Laura Tauber

A steadfast student who’s been exquisitely dedicated to her Spanish classes since starting in Beginner 1 nearly three years ago, Laura’s hard work has paid off as she’s advanced through Tierra’s curriculum and developed ever-stronger skills. A warm and caring classmate, she is always eager to participate and helps foster camaraderie in any group she’s in. Inspired in part by her love of travel and dreams of living abroad, she delighted in her ability to reach out to people in their native language on a recent trip to Mexico. Her unceasingly positive attitude is an example and gentle reminder for us, particularly during these trying times, that anything is possible and our attitude deeply impacts our experience. We are honored to count Laura as a valued member of our community and look forward to continuing to see her stretch herself to reach beyond her goals.


Name:  Laura Tauber
Occupation:  Social Worker
Time Studying at Tierra: Since May 2017

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

"So many reasons! Before Tierra I had never taken a Spanish class (not even in high school!) so I knew it was going to be a challenge! I love that it is so good for my brain. Additionally, I am interested in being able to better communicate with the Spanish speaking folks in my community and neighborhood. I love to travel, and am excited to use my Spanish language skills while traveling. Also, my husband and I dream that one day we will be able to live for a while in a Spanish speaking country."

2) What is your favorite part about your experience here at Tierra?

"My first class at Tierra was Beginner 1. I did not even know the alphabet, and now I am in Intermediate 5, learning commands and the subjunctive mood. I cannot believe how far I have come! It is all because of the small class size and excellent skill of all of the teachers at Tierra. At first I was nervous to be in a class with students with more knowledge than me.  I was worried I would feel lost or behind, however, the teachers do a great job teaching to all levels, while keeping classes fun and interesting! Also, I enjoy seeing my classmates each week, they are great!"

3) Can you tell us of a time you have been able to use what you have learned studying here?

"Since starting at Tierra I have traveled twice to Mexico. The most recent trip, my experience was completely transformed by being able to understand and speak some Spanish. I appreciate that at Tierra we learn both language and culture, which is a big part of traveling to other parts of the world.  I appreciate the opportunity to continue to deepen my experience both here in Portland and abroad."

¡Felicidades Laura!