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December 2023 - Chris Kurtz

With a deep and genuine interest in the Spanish language and the cultures of Spanish speaking countries, Chris is an extremely dedicated student who has worked hard to achieve impressive progress. A retired elementary school teacher who also writes children’s literature, his passion for learning is ever-present and inspirational. An avid traveler, he’s been eager to use his blossoming Spanish skills while abroad, seeking authentic interactions and opportunities to connect with locals. Kind and welcoming, Chris is a fantastic group-oriented classmate whose great curiosity and enthusiasm have a positive impact on any class he joins. We’re honored to count Chris among our amazing student community and look forward to continuing see him strive toward fluency and to hearing about how he applies his skills in his fantastic adventures abroad.

Name: Chris Kurtz
Occupation: Retired Elementary School Teacher
Time Studying at Tierra: Off and on since 2020

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

"A. To understand more deeply the cultures and  people of an entire continent as well as a North American neighbor.

B. To learn about my own language and culture by reflecting on those of others.

C. To have a LOT more fun traveling".

2) What is your favorite part about your experience here at Tierra?

"My absolute favorite class was with Norberto reading and discussing essays in the Mar de Historias column by the Mexican journalist and Christina Pacheco".

3) Can you tell us of a time you have been able to use what you have learned studying here?

"Norberto told us not to prioritize speaking without mistakes over jumping in and trying. A taxi driver in Oaxaca had an unusual name that I wanted to ask about without offending. So I got over my shyness and asked and had one of my favorite conversations. Thanks Norberto!"

¡Felicidades Chris!