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September 2023 - Nathan Smith

An educator who is passionate about his work,  Nathan was inspired to improve his Spanish skills by a desire to connect with the Spanish speaking students and families in his school district. While in the first classes he took at Tierra back in 2016 he commuted from his home in Hood River; since the pandemic hit, he’s been able to drive a lot less and enjoy taking his Tierra classes online. A meticulous and dedicated student, Nathan’s authentic interest in language and culture is always apparent and his contributions in class help tease out the nuances of the material covered. We are delighted to have Nathan as part of our amazing school community and wish him and all educators (and parents!) a wonderful start to the new school!


Name: Nathan Smith
Occupation:   Instructional Coach for the Hood River County School District
Time Studying at Tierra: On and off since 2016

1) Why are you studying Spanish?

"I study Spanish for the pure joy of learning how to communicate with native Spanish speakers.  This ability to communicate in Spanish has opened the door to connecting with millions of people that I otherwise couldn't!  This has easily been one of the best decisions I have made and continue to make moving forward".

2) What is your favorite part about your experience here at Tierra?

"My favorite part of the Tierra experience is the instructors are excellent and well-prepared in addition to being patient as they help us all move along at our respective levels.  Also, the students that take classes at Tierra are kind and great to collaborate with".

3) Can you tell us of a time you have been able to use what you have learned studying here?

"I use what I learn at Tierra everyday!  In my work for the school district, I have the pleasure of communicating with many of our Spanish-speaking students and their families and helping them navigate the school system in addition to helping them build a bridge of communication between school and home".

¡Felicidades Nathan!